Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dear Islami Brothers and Sisters, if you have any Masala Rohani Rohani problems, Bachoon Kay Naam (Children Name selection and checks), Jadoo Tona problems, Jin Kay Jinnat Asraat, Karoobari Masael (Business Issues), marital problems, domestic problems , Gharailoo Jhagray Lari, Ki Bachoon problems, Rukawaatain, Baad Ka Elaaj Nazri, Baad Taweezaat Elaaj, Na sort Muqadmaat (Court Matters), Boy and Girl marriage Suitability: Yes Koi Aur Rohani Masaels.
Web-based presentation Masael Rohani tickets and Answers: The visitors / users can: 1. Register to Madni Rohani GS 2. Get username and password 3. Send Ticket to Rohani Masala 4. How to Get Your Answers Masala Rohani / Consultant with unique entries Identification Number 5. Track your Rohani Masael of the situation and responses to Ticket Number 6. Get answers online, and Taweez Wazaef Masala or Check your status and Amal Taweez sent to your address. 7. Masala close or open your ticket or forwarding Masala status of your treatment and follow-up. It is not necessary but is recommended to add your postal address on the registration Taweez for sending mail. Your Masala ticket must contain the name of the person who has Rohani Masala and mother's name for Istikhara and other requirements. Click here to enter <Madni Rohani Services> In case of any problem you can send email to
Help Madni Group / Forum Madni - Islami Dear brothers and sisters, you may also join and obtain membership in the "Support Group Madni / Madni Forum" and can get some mashwa (Advice) to Rohani, Masael Shara'ai and other issues of Madni Forums.
Zikar Mahfil Manawaa Shareef Medina E (Tareeqa)
Few important point to consider:
Some people go to Jadogars to make their opponents Jadoo / Mukhalifeen. Please remember that Jadoo person, he / she is mushrik / Kafir and who will he / she comes out of Islam and that he / she is no longer a Muslim. So if you are a Muslim, please do not go to Jadoogar / Aamil for any reason "Never Never Never."
Some people are infected and have Jadoo misconception that to remove Jadoo have to go to Jadoogar / Aamil. It is totally baseless and totally wrong. Remember, there are two ways Aamals Rohani, Noori and Nari. Jadoo is Nari (Fire) and Noori is Aamal Aamal Koran. Any problem, no matter what type of problem is time Nari or anything else that has a solution that is Noori Aamal Holy Quran and Faiz of Buzargan and Karaam Aoulad. No Jadoogar / Aamil on earth can beat Aamal Noori.
Naming your newborn child is very important. Names have great impact on the lives of everyone. Whenever the name of your child with good Islamic name and try to match the name of his son to the child's mother.
Whenever you want to start new businesses. Istikhara always best and then start. When you have a guide Istikhara of Allah (Azzawajal) that will make your company successful. If something is not right for you will also be told in Istikhara.
Increasingly found in unpopulated area / rain etc Never urinate in an open area without looking at the place and especially near an old tree. This way you can invite some invisible enemies.
If you are living in the old house, get your house set in the four corners of the house. It will save you and your children unwanted visitors invisible.
If you have a child and want, pronounced husband and wife get medical treatment if necessary then it is not very strong Noorani Aamal. Send us an email. Aamal detail will be sent to you.
Every day Sadqa, Khairat and help the poor. Sadqa eliminate 90% of the problems incidents Rohani and avoid evil.
At some point there are problems and misunderstandings between husband and wife. Always try to help some such and do not feed their misunderstandings. Make wife and the husband to love others is a great Sawab. But do and trying to create misunderstanding between a couple is the worst sin / gunah. We have our Buzargan and some special gifted Karaam Aoulia Aamal Noorani for making love to husband and wife. If you find someone with this problem please email with details of the name of husband and mother's name, the name of the wife and mother's name. We will Inshallah, sending the Aamal.
Some women have regular miscarriage. We have our Buzargan and some special gifted Karaam Aoulia Aamal Noorani for this purpose.                                                     (all content from